Honoree Broadcast Pioneers member Ed Hurst
November 13, 2003
at the March of Dimes A.I.R. Awards

Award Winner, Broadcast Pioneers member Hy Lit
November 13, 2003
at the March of Dimes A.I.R. Awards

Broadcast Pioneers member Sid Mark introduces Pierre Robert
November 13, 2003
at the March of Dimes A.I.R. Awards

Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Pierre Robert
November 13, 2003
at the March of Dimes A.I.R. Awards

Radio Station Visitor Bobby Ricklin with WMMR's Pierre Robert
November 13, 2003
at the March of Dimes A.I.R. Awards

For over three decades, Bobby Ricklin has visited Philadelphia radio stations. He's sort of the "Super Radio Groupie." Just ask him sometime anything about Philly broadcasting and he will have the answer.

From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photo originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers member Gerry Wilkinson
© 2006, All Rights Reserved

The e-mail address of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is pioneers@broadcastpioneers.com