(Left to right) Joel A. Spivak & Mayor Frank Rizzo
WCAU Radio
circa 1974

Many of us remember Frank Rizzo (Sr.) not only as a two-term mayor of Philadelphia, but as a radio talk show host on WCAU (AM). However, this photo and ad are from before his radio talk days as host. During the mid-seventies, he was weekly featured on WCAU Radio on "Ask the Mayor."

While some many think of it as a radio edition of "Tell it to the Mayor" which aired over WFIL Radio and TV in the mid-fifties through the mid-sixties, it was not. The Channel 6 broadcast had the viewers phone in questions and they were placed on 3x5 cards and read on the air by an announcer.

The WCAU program was live (well, on a six second delay) and the callers could actually talk with the mayor. If Rizzo didn't give a proper response (or at least what the caller thought was a proper response), they could go back and forth with the Mayor. It was rarely dull and always interesting.

From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photo originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers member Roger Hendler
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