It was the summer of 1950 and the big news was the Korean War. It was June 25th of 1950 when the North Koreans with tacit approval from the Soviet Union, crossed the 38th parallel in a carefully thought out attack on the south. The UN Security Council voted for all UN members to assist the South Koreans to halt the North's agression. The Soviets were not present because they had stomped out over the UN's failure to admit Communist China. Two days later, on June 27th, President Harry S Truman ordered United States troops to come to the aid of the South Koreans as part of the United Nations Police Action. It was done totally without the approval of Congress. The war would end without a real conclusion four years later.

What we have in our archives are three excerpts of local Philadelphia broadcasts. The first one dates from early in July of 1950. The date was most likely July 6, 1950. We do not know which station it was nor who the announcer was. Can anyone identify either or both?

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Our second clip dates from late in July or early August 1950. We believe that the date is most likely August 1, 1950 . Again, we do not know the station nor the announcer's name. Can you help?

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Our third clip dates from Sunday, August 6, 1950. It is the same announcer. Joe Nadler of Charlotte, NC, a visitor to our website e-mailed the exact date of clip #3. He was able to make that determination from the baseball scores.

Former tech at WCAU for many years, Charlie Higgins listened to all three clips. Here's what he thinks...

I have listened to the three newscasts and I cannot identify the announcer. It might be one of the announcers that left WCAU before I arrived, such as Al Taylor, Fred McManus, etc.

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From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Audio clips courtesy of Broadcast Pioneers member Mike Muderick
© 2007 & 2012, Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
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The e-mail address of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is pioneers@broadcastpioneers.com