KYW Radio Studios
1619 Walnut Streeet, Philadelphia
June 16, 1960
These two photos were taken inside the studios of KYW Radio in Center City Philadelphia during June of 1960. At that time, NBC owned the station. The microphone is only a prop and made of wood. It was used just for taking photographs.
KYW Radio Studios
1619 Walnut Streeet, Philadelphia
June 16, 1960
The person in these photos has been identified as Dr. Herbert Nagler. However, there is some question at this time whether the identification is correct. Anyone with additional information, please e-mail us.
Broadcast Pioneers member Bud Galow, who was an engineer at KYW/WRCV Radio for decades, e-mailed:
I do remember the prop mike. It was made of wood and painted for show. I don’t remember the Gentleman during the 60’s. We had a large number of visiting big wigs from New York (during that era).
From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photos originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers member Bill Bransome
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