(Left to right) Patricia Bowles, Ray Walton and Genevieve Glynn
WPTZ, Channel 3
Ray Walton was at WIBG Radio for 15 years. He left the station when they went rock in 1957. Walton also was one of the play-by-play announcers for the Philadelphia Athletics during the 1951 season. Ray was heard on both WIBG Radio and on the television broadcasts. Walton also did air work for WPTZ, Channel 3, here in Philadelphia. During the Christmas season of 1952, he portrayed Santa Claus Wednesday nights at 7 pm on Channel 3.
Patricia Bowles also worked at WPTZ. She was in the program operations department. Genevieve Glynn was employed at Channel 3 in their Production Department.
From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
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