Ed Harvey
WCAU Radio

Broadcast Pioneers member Ed Harvey worked at WCAU Radio for over two decades. While he is best known for his telephone-talk show, "The Talk of Philadelphia" that aired daily on the station from 1 pm to 4 pm, he also worked at the station as a disc jockey and a Master of Ceremonies.

Near Christmas time in 1953, Ed Harvey was hosting a WCAU Radio show called "Block Party." This program had no similarities to the Hy Lit "Block Party" show on WCAU-TV a few years later.

It was an interesting show that featured audience participation, professional singing and corny jokes told by Ed Harvey. The music director for the show was Bernie Lowe, who later went on to found "Cameo-Parkway" Records.

The audio in this presentation is excellent. We mastered it off of the original WCAU Radio tape. The same one that aired in 1953. While some of the shows were broadcast live, this was was recorded in advance of the air date. This is a slightly abridged version of the program but it gives us the idea of what the show was like. The date is Monday, December 14, 1953.

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From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photo & Audio originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers member Ed Harvey
© 2009, Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
All Rights Reserved

The e-mail address of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is pioneers@broadcastpioneers.com