(Left to right) Joe Terry of "Danny & the Juniors" and Nat Wright
Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia Luncheon
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
In the fall of 1967, station program director Dick Carr (a member of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia) asked Nat Wright to do the all night show (The Dawn Patrol) just for a little while until WIP could figure out what to do in that time period. He became Nat, the All Night Rat and did the shift for 17 years. Wright was the last person hired by the station as a swing person. After that, you were either music or news, never both. Nat once told us that the first person he would see during his air shift would be Gordon Thomas who came in to prepare the morning newscasts about 4:30 am.
We have in our audio section of our Digital Archival Project, a recording from Tuesday morning, July 7, 1970 of Nat on WIP Radio doing the all-night show. We have put together several snippets of Nat into one piece of audio for your listening pleasure.
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From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photo originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers historian Gerry Wilkinson
Audio originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers member Sue Wright
© 2012, Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
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The e-mail address of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is pioneers@broadcastpioneers.com