There are four photos on this page. Please scroll down to see all of them!

On extreme left is Phil Sheridan and behind him is Ed Harvey
All others in the shot have not been identified

In May of 1954, the Philadelphia Zoo, the nation's oldest, opened their brand new "Monkey Island" on a Sunday afternoon. Phil Sheridan was on hand to officiate for that event including the coronation of the "King" of the monkeys, Pandora.

The photos on this page were sent to us by Ted Misztela of the Ted Misztela Photography Studios in Nova Scotia, Canada. They were originally believed to be from this 1954 event. However, we now suspect that they actually date from about 1963. Regardless of the date, on hand were Phil Sheridan of WFIL Radio and Broadcast Pioneers member Ed Harvey, from WCAU Radio.

Ed Harvey said that after the "wedding," the happy couple tore the cake apart. "They ate it, threw it and literally destroyed it," said Ed.

On the extreme right is Ed Harvey
Others not yet identified

On the extreme left is Phil Sheridan
Others not yet identified

After the "wedding" event, the happy couple was sent off for a trip on "American Airlines." There is a possibility that the two chimpanzees were from another zoo and sent to Philadelphia just for the "wedding" and then they had to be returned to their home zoo. Ed Harvey says that it was so long ago that he doesn't remember much about that day. He does remember, however, that no other broadcasters were there, only himself and "Uncle Philsy." On that day, there were large crowds and live music.

Ed Harvey thought that the event took place in the sixties and after looking at several other pictures of both Sheridan and Harvey, we agree. We have dated it as 1963 because of Ed's appearance in the photo. We have several other photos of Ed from that time period and 1963 seems to fit the best.

Ed Harvey and Phil Sheridan are both in our "Hall of Fame." Ed was inducted in 1998 and Uncle Philsy in November 2004.

Anyone have any additional information about the chimp wedding? If so, please e-mail us any and all details. We would love to have the whole story.

From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photos Courtesy of Ted Misztela of the Ted Misztela Photography Studios
© 2009, Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
All Rights Reserved

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