The mission of Future Broadcast Pioneers is to provide a resource for college and university students (and young professional broadcasters) to explore career options in the communication field while fostering their knowledge and professional development in the areas of broadcast media and its related entities.
Future Broadcast Pioneers draws from the experience of its parent organization, the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia, to help members pursue careers in broadcast media. With years of experience backing each member, the Broadcast Pioneers serve as mentors to the future leaders of the media industry.
Future Broadcast Pioneers recognizes that networking is a lifelong career tool; therefore we promote frequent interaction between our members and experienced broadcast practitioners. Establishing relationships with field experts increases members' awareness of new trends, theories, and practices within the broadcasting field.
We encourage members to show initiative in setting and achieving personal goals that reinforce their commitment and dedication to the diverse field of communications and broadcast media.
Future Broadcast Pioneers dedicates itself to supporting the continued academic and professional growth of its members. We advocate ongoing membership beyond college graduation in order to act as a constant support system to the members we serve.
The mission statement of the Future Broadcast Pioneers was created and written by Founding President Brian SaenzDeViteri and Founding Vice-President Stephanie Tofani.
The e-mail address of the Future Broadcast Pioneers is