(Left to right) Mickey Marr, Bart Kelly, Ray Rucker, George Murray, Bill Rucker, Arnold Jacobs
Jack Steck, Ray Duffy, Charlie Borelli, Louis Iachino and Scary Gavin
WPEN Radio
circa 1934
The original photo is four and a half inches by six and a half inches. Note the microphone says WPEN. Just to the left of the mike is Broadcast Pioneers founding member Jack Steck who served as Master of Ceremonies for the program. Jack was also our 4th President.
The basis for Jack Steck's bio which is on our website says that the name of this show was "The Laughing Roundup," a country western show). However, the picture identifies the program as "The Laugh Roundup." As of this moment, we're not sure which is the correct title. Anyone with additional information, please e-mail us.
From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photo originally donated by Mervin D. Chew, whose mother sent for the pix 70 years ago
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All Rights Reserved
The e-mail address of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is pioneers@broadcastpioneers.com